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The delivery delay applies exclusively to products from verified suppliers from the European Union, which are currently not in our warehouse, although they are a standard part of our offer.

How soon does it take for the product to arrive at the warehouse?

Products are procured from the above-mentioned suppliers at the end of each working week. If you place your order by Thursday, we will order your product on Friday, and the expected arrival time in Croatia is already next week. In exceptional situations, it is possible that the arrival of the requested product in Croatia is delayed by up to 25-30 days.

What if there is no product from the manufacturer?

We approve the "delayed delivery" option only for products from the permanent offer. Sometimes it is possible that the manufacturer does not currently have the requested size, but such cases are rare and, as a rule, the product is available for purchase in 20 days.

What is the maximum delay time?

If the manufacturer cannot deliver the desired product within 30 days, our employees will contact you and offer you additional options: (additional delay, partial delivery of the order, refund of the money paid)

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